Struct ply_rs::parser::Parser [] [src]

pub struct Parser<E: PropertyAccess> { /* fields omitted */ }

Reads data given by a Read trait into Ply components.

In most cases read_ply() should suffice. If you need finer control over the read process, there are methods down to the line/element level.


The most common case is probably to read from a file:

// set up a reader, in this case a file.
let path = "example_plys/greg_turk_example1_ok_ascii.ply";
let mut f = std::fs::File::open(path).unwrap();

// create a parser
let p = parser::Parser::<ply::DefaultElement>::new();

// use the parser: read the entire file
let ply = p.read_ply(&mut f);

// Did it work?

If you need finer control, you can start splitting the read operations down to the line/element level.

In the follwoing case we first read the header, and then continue with the payload. We need to build a Ply our selves.

// set up a reader as before.
// let mut f = ... ;
// We need to wrap our `Read` into something providing `BufRead`
let mut buf_read = std::io::BufReader::new(f);

// create a parser
let p = parser::Parser::<ply::DefaultElement>::new();

// use the parser: read the header
let header = p.read_header(&mut buf_read);
// Did it work?
let header = header.unwrap();

// read the payload
let payload = p.read_payload(&mut buf_read, &header);
// Did it work?
let payload = payload.unwrap();

// May be create your own Ply:
let ply = ply::Ply {
    header: header,
    payload: payload,

println!("Ply: {:#?}", ply);


impl<E: PropertyAccess> Parser<E>


Creates a new Parser<E>, where E is the type to store the element data in.

To get started quickly try DefaultElement from the ply module.


Expects the complete content of a PLY file.

A PLY file starts with "ply\n". read_ply reads until all elements have been read as defined in the header of the PLY file.

impl<E: PropertyAccess> Parser<E>



Reads header until and inclusive end_header.

A ply file starts with "ply\n". The header and the payload are separated by a line end_header\n. This method reads all headere elemnts up to end_header.


impl<E: PropertyAccess> Parser<E>



Reads payload. Encoding is chosen according to the encoding field in header.


Reads entire list of elements from payload. Encoding is chosen according to header.

Make sure to read the elements in the order as they are defined in the header.

impl<E: PropertyAccess> Parser<E>



Read a single element. Assume it is encoded in ascii.

Make sure all elements are parsed in the order they are defined in the header.

impl<E: PropertyAccess> Parser<E>



Reads a single element as declared in èlement_def. Assumes big endian encoding.

Make sure all elements are parsed in the order they are defined in the header.


Reads a single element as declared in èlement_def. Assumes big endian encoding.

Make sure all elements are parsed in the order they are defined in the header.